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Runtime Requesting Permissions in Android

Problem Description

Before android marshmallow users have to grant all permissions when they install the application. But with recent release of Android OS 6.0 (Marshmallow), users can grant permissions to app while the app is running. This approach streamlines the app install process, since the user does not need to grant permissions when they install the app.
System permissions are divided into two categories,

1) Normal Permissions

  • Normal permission do not directly risk the user’s privacy.
  • If you have declare normal permissions in your manifiest, the system will grant your permissions automatically.
  • Some of the normal permissions are,

2) Dangerous Permissions

  • If you have declared dangerous permissions in your manifiest, the user have to explicitly give approval to your app.
  • Here is the list of some of the dangerous permissions,
    • SEND_SMS
    • READ_SMS
If you are running your android app on the device having Android 5.1 or lower and dangerous permissions are listed in your manifest, then the user have to grant all the permissions when installing the application. If the android app user do not grant those permissions then the user will not be able to install the application.


This solution is workable only for the devices running Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) as Android 6.0 allows the users to allow or deny the permissions separately. So if we have listed dangerous permissions in our manifest, then ideally it must request each permission it needs while the app is running. So if any user denies any permission, then the app should still run without any issues.
Here’s the code snippets to request such permissions at runtime.
Here’s the code snippets to request such permissions at runtime.


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